
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Blog”

Andy walking in the woods with his family

Caring for Andy

Blog Spring Campaign

Jen’s brother Andy was cared for on our inpatient unit in 2021. Here, Jen tells us about the care Andy received from Martlets and the difference it made to their family.

Jaheda and Danny in our Inpatient Ward rooms

Jaheda’s story


Jaheda, a healthcare assistant working on our inpatient wards, explains how her recent pilgrimage to Mecca has given her a new perspective on her care work.

Squirel at our Martlets allotment

Spring into life


Our Martlets allotment is starting to spring into life! Jane Newman gives us an update on what’s happening at Plot 98.

Matt from Newhaven HPS

Martlets FC vs. HPS Newhaven


See Martlets FC play HPS Newhaven, in a match that will raise funds for life-changing hospice care. HPS have been long-term supporters of Martlets since their manager Matt Reed was cared for at the Hospice.

Cat and Gratitute Shaun the Sheep bench

Loss, love, and sheep


Earlier this year, Cat’s dad was cared for by Martlets and spent his final days on our inpatient ward. Cat was supported by our bereavement counselling service, and Shaun the Sheep.

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